'Professionalism' as an emotional regime in a bureaucratic


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npm install @emotion/core@10.1.1 To get started with Emotion, you can either use the React setup instructions which just involves installation with npm like this: npm i @emotion/react The “@emotion/react” package requires React and is recommended for users of that framework if possible. Note: The preset gets set to 'emotion' by default, so adding the config is only useful if you want to adjust Twin’s other options. Add the babel config. To use the tw and css props, emotion must first extend jsx with a jsx pragma.

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yarn add emotion-icons or. npm install emotion-icons --save Alternatively you can install only the icon packs you need: To use Styled System, install a CSS-in-JS library such as Styled Components or Emotion. npm i styled-system styled-components. Create a Component.

Abstracts - Sociologidagarna 2020

that mean you need to hook up to source code and update import statement to the new @emotion/react. or downgrade package to older versions with npm. npm install @emotion/core@10.1.1 The npm package emotion receives a total of 661,397 downloads a week. As such, we scored emotion popularity level to be Influential project.

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Emotion npm

Dependencies 2 Dependent packages 10 Dependent repositories 42 Total releases 56 Latest release Sep 28, 2018 First release Aug 20, 2017 Stars 12.5K Forks 789 Watchers 98 Material-UI is a simple and customizable component library to build faster, beautiful, and more accessible React applications. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design. Weekly downloads - styled-components: 2,678,668 (-1.8%), emotion: 677,855 (-5.3%) Include comment with link to declaration Compile Dependencies (6) Category/License Group / Artifact Version Updates; Web Assets MIT: org.webjars.npm » emotion__cache [10.0.27,11) 2021-03-29 2021-02-04 2019-12-07 2020-11-24 Se hela listan på npmjs.com Emotion has an optional Babel plugin that optimizes styles by compressing and hoisting them and creates a better developer experience with source maps and labels. yarn add --dev @emotion/babel-plugin. or if you prefer npm.

yarn add --dev @emotion/babel-plugin.
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Note: The preset gets set to 'emotion' by default, so adding the config is only useful if you want to adjust Twin’s other options.

npm i @emotion/react.
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Abstracts - Sociologidagarna 2020

Emotion is a CSS-in-JS library. It has been gaining popularity lately and there are many aspects why!

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or if you use yarn. yarn add @emotion/react @emotion/native. This package also depends on react, react-native and prop-types so … Install. This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be import ed instead of require d.